Monday, June 18, 2012

The Indianapolis Zoo!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, guys! But, I've been pretty busy. Well, today is my birthday(>:D)! My dad and his fiance took me to the Indianapolis Zoo!! We actually got some pretty good pictures!!! :D The Dolphin Show was disappointing. I've been going to the Zoo for my birthday every year since I was born. We stopped going after my 8th birthday because my dad was taking classes. But, my favorite parts have always been the Polar Bear, the Lion, and The Dolphin Show. The Polar Bear died... But they replaced him with a freaking LAZY polar bear. I don't know how many times we passed him, but every time he was asleep!! The Lion was cool. Just seeing him walking around was amazing! As I said before, The Dolphin Show this year was disappointing. It was over 90 degrees and I wanted to get splashed! I sat in the Splash Zone and only got hit with droplets of water once!ONCE!! >:( And it was so short... Grr!! But a funny thing is that the male and female tiger are in different cages, and the male tiger was in his cage, but the female was getting trained. The male tiger freaking SPRAYED the glass! xD It was so funny!! Well here are some pictures of our day!!:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Note of Appreciation!

 Wow... I have to say that I'm shocked!!! I never thought that I would have that many readers at all! But I've already had 17+ views today! And yesterday I had 40+ views!!!! I really appreciate it guys! It would be nicer if you guys could share it on twitter, tumbler, your blog, or even facebook! And could you comment on the Requests page? If you want me to write about something, just post a comment about it! Thank you!!!! :D

Their EYES!

( Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall [order from top to bottom] )
 Okay, for starters, let me say, once again, that I absolutely LOVE One Direction!!!! Their music is amazing, and so deep. If you listen carefully to the lyrics, they could make you cry... Especially their song, Moments! 
 But look at their eyes!! You could just stare into them all day!!!!!! Especially Harry's...... ( o_o)!!! Ohh, and look at this!!!!!
Haha, it's so funny!
I'll post tomorrow!! Buh- Bye!!!! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One Thing



 Hey guys!!! So, I was thinking... I love to play music, sing, and dance horribly! Since people think that I'm talented at singing, I thought... "Hey! Maybe I should post videos' on YouTube?". So, tell me what you think. I would appreciate it!! :D 

Monopoly Streets!!!

 Okay, if you have an Xbox Live account, you can buy games, movies, etc. One of the games you can buy is 'Monopoly Streets'. It's really fun!!! My sister just bought it 2 nights ago, and we bought most of the boards. There's alot of boards, consisting of the original, sweets, ice, cardboard, cheese, plaza and a ALOT more! You don't have to buy most of the boards and tokens with Microsoft points. You can buy them with Monopoly money. Once you play the games, even if you lose, you get the total worth money. Your total worth is the amount of money all your properties put together is worth. Kind of an explanatory name... Then if you go to The Monopoly store, you can but more tokens and boards. The  more extravagant boards cost Microsoft points, but they mostly cost Monopoly money. I don't know of it's available on any other game systems... but you should check! It's a really fun game!!! You can even play online!!! You should try it sometime!! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Do you have a Twitta? If so, follow me @GabrielleERice.... Thanks!!! :D!/GabrielleERice

My Life, One Direction, and CARROTS!!!!! :D

 Hey guys! If you didn't know, my name is Gabrielle Rice. I live in Indiana(IN). The town that I live in is pretty small, but I like it. So, here are some things about me. I love singing, music, and playing my instruments. I love to rant about random things,and I think that some --- alot--- of people would agree that I'm really good at it. I'm in LOVE with carrots!!!! You know, that orange vegetable that makes your eye sight better? Yea! They. Are. Amazing. I could eat them all day... :D But, I also am in love with One Direction. Have you heard of them? You know, they sing the song that goes, Baby you light up my world like nobody else, The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, And when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, You don't know-ow-ow, You don't know your beautiful!!! Yea, well, they're hilarious. The only one I would have a crush on if I met them is Harry Styles... Or Liam Payne... I have too much in common with the others... And I would feel like I'm crushing on my brother... And that's just... Blehhh -.-! Yea I, love to eat, am afraid of heights (even though i LOVE  rollercoasters!!!), like carrots, am immature, like to look decent, and I have a soft spot for Lamborghini's... :D Besides, Harry and Liam's curls are sexy xD! But I have to go.... :'(. Don't be sad... I'll post tomorrow! BUH- BYE!